Tag Archives: VAST


Which standard will drive high revenue for publishers on their WebTV/video streaming channels.

After months of research on the topic of “streamed WebTV“ I will soon launce a series of interesting tools and tips on how publishers can increase their revenue streams on their web-tv channel and in the process increase the relevance for matching the right advertiser to a potential “right “customer/user.

The biggest issue has been finding a standard for communicating between the WebTV players and the different ad servers. A few months ago The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) released a “Digital Video Ad Serving Template” (VAST) to standardize communication between video players and ad servers.

Which standard will drive high revenue for publishers on their WebTV/video streaming channels.

The proposed protocol will ease business relations between publishers and agencies, the IAB said. Publishers will be able to “plug-and-play” third-party ad servers and networks, allowing them to make more money from ads. Agencies will benefit from the ability to track and serve video ads from one place.

The VAST document includes a definition of standard ad responses for in-stream video and specifications compatible with any video player framework. It also provides guidance for most on-demand video players and has accomodations for linear video and interactive ads (the “pre-roll”) as well as non-linear ads (e.g. clickable overlays)

So publishers and advertisers prepare for some interesting insights the next months.